Case Study

Z Automotive

Increase in sales by 20%. Reducing the number of returns by 25%. Expansion of the product line from 2 to 16 products. Introducing new products to the market. For the first quarter of the partnership with AweGoo.

Parther sincesince 2020
Market PlacesUS, Canada, UK
Seller CategoryAutomotive

Partnership Challenges

Z Automotive has been designing and manufacturing electronics for performance since 2007. From overcoming the computer nannies that keep LX vehicles from being 'fun' to shift kits and line lock kits that make your muscle car feel like an old-school muscle.

The company made a strategic decision to expand into the online segment. The presence on Amazon was in the amount of 5 products. However, the company already had many famous products, and the main challenge turned out to be bringing the entire brand product line to the market and forming loyalty to the brand among online buyers.


  • Expanding brand awareness
  • Removal of duplicate brand listings
  • Removal of sellers who do not follow the company's sales policy or sell counterfeit goods.
  • Minimum order definition for AwesomeGoods Company - guaranteed sales for a partner.
  • Bringing the brand to the Canadian and UK markets.

25%reducing the number of returns
20%increase in sales in 3 months of cooperation.

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